Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cyber Bullying And Its Effects - 1411 Words

Studies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying is becoming a major problem and we all†¦show more content†¦Anything sent out into cyberspace is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove. Therefore, being cyber-bullied can sometimes be much more severe than traditional bullying. Ann Frisen in the article , â€Å"Cyber-bullying: A Growing Problem† states, â€Å"This type of bullying can be more serious than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends† (ScienceDaily). What exactly is ‘cyber-bulling’? The author of the article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† explains it as, â€Å"any harassment that occurs via the Internet† (Hardcastle). Cyber-bulling messages can be communicated through text, e-mails, instant messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, or any other information communication technologies. For example, Michigan’s assistant attorney general, who is a grown adult, has been harassing the University of Michigan’s openly gay student body president. Andrew Shirvell, assistant Michigan attorney general, created a blog in April of 2010 targeting Chris Armstrong, University of Michigan’s student body president. On this blog he has posted many rude, untrue, and unnecessary comments towards Chris Armstrong, along with distorted pictures. According to the article, â€Å"Assistant Michigan AG targets openly gay college student† the authorShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Bullyi ng And Cyber Bullying1811 Words   |  8 PagesThe effects of bullying and cyber bullying in today’s society have grave consequences that can lead to the untimely deaths of many children throughout the nation. In the past there have been numerous incidents involving teenagers shooting up schools and most recently children taking their own lives because they were tortured, teased in school, and made fun of online in their very own homes. What is a bully and what can we do to prevent our children from harming themselves and others because of theseRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words   |  6 PagesStudies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are t rying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologiesRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects952 Words   |  4 PagesCyber-bullying is a term that has only gained notoriety in the past few years. Like many things that adapt to their surroundings, cyber-bullying is no exception. As new ways to socialize appear every year, it is a great tool for children and adults alike to communicate with friends and family. However, it can also turn into a tool of terrorization just as easily. The term bullying is usually defined as aggression that is intentionally carried out by one or more individuals and repeatedly targetedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1146 Words   |  5 PagesCyber bullying as defined by (Mason, 2008, p, 325) is â€Å"an individual or a group wilfully using information and communication involving electronic technologies to facilitate deliberate and repeated harassmen t or threat to another individual or group by sending or posting cruel text and/or graphics using technological means†. Cyber bullying is also any behaviour performed through electronic or digital media by individuals or groups that repeatedly communicates hostile or aggressive messages intendedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1536 Words   |  7 PagesBullying has been an extreme issue all around the world for hundreds of years, and since modern technology has advanced, so has cyber bullying. â€Å"‘Gimme’ your lunch money† has turned into texting and posting gruesome threats and embarrassing material all over social media. Millions of kids all over the world have taken their own lives due to the harmful effects of cyber bullying. Problems that cannot be resolved independently are brought to court, and the government has become increasingly involvedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1201 Words   |  5 PagesINTRO Cyber bullying is any form of bullying that takes place over the internet, whether via texts, twitter or other forms of social media. Approximately 52% of children have reported being cyber bullied at one point, or another*. While this number may not seem catastrophic, this statistic is based only on the instances of cyber bullying that have been reported. The reality is that there are many more children who have been cyber bullied, and did not tell anyone that it was happening to them. AnotherRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction There are two specific types of bullying. Bullying in itself and cyber bullying are two of the worst and most aggressive behaviors teenagers are involved in these days. No matter how this problem comes about or what process individuals go through to get to this point, it is an irresponsible yet dangerous form of action. Bullying in any form can cause harm to the victim, even death. Making a choice to be a bully is like that of building a bad character for one’s self. Definition CentersRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society1283 Words   |  6 Pagesis also now being used to cause harm to people. Cyber bullying differs from traditional physical bullying, because it occurs through emails, texts, or social media. The person behind the computer can remain anonymous because the internet allows individuals to make up false information. Negative effects, such as depression, suicide, and anxiety are some factors resulted in cyber bullying. There is a strong emotional impact caused by cyber bullying due to the lack of remorse demonstrated online.Read MoreThe Eternal Effects of Cyber Bullying1196 Words   |  5 Pageslends itself to advancements such as cyber bullying, allowing predators of all ages to interrupt what should be the safe haven in life; home. The eternal effects of cyber bullying on the victim and their families is potentially fatal as pointed out in the May 2013, Journal of Youth and Adolescence article by, published authors and psychology graduate’s in adolescent studies, Brett Litwiler and Amy Brausch. The article not only identifies this form of bullying as a problem but Litwiler and BrauschRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Its Victims1651 Words   |  7 Pagesin it, especially cyber bullying. With the rise in the use of technology, digital culture and anonymity, cyber bullying has become a prominent issue that can have negative psychological effects on its victims through the power of these technological advances. This new 21st century term is derived from standard physical bullying has become a prominent and revolving issue as cellphone, texting and social media sites take away one’s privacy by causing harmful psychological effects on its victims (Siegel

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