Thursday, August 27, 2020

Emerson :: essays research papers fc

The generally dark arrival of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s first book, Nature, in 1836, gave barely any pieces of information to the VIP and impact which would later be delighted in by its writer. The piece was initially distributed namelessly yet marked the start of Emerson’s future job of coach, instructor, and educator. His degree was wide, drawing in various admirers across Massachusetts, contacting crowds from the two his abstract works, just as his various appearances on the college address circuit. One such admirer was a youthful Massachusetts neighbor, Henry David Thoreau. A teacher by profession, Thoreau wound up as a visitor at Emerson’s home, starting an enduring, if not disappointing, fellowship. This intricate relationship acquainted Thoreau with the abstract world, just as to the craft of addressing, as performed by Emerson. One such talk, conveyed by Emerson in 1837 to a Harvard crowd, talked about the past, present, and eventual fate of “The American Scholar.'; Twenty after five years, in 1862, not long after his passing, a month to month periodical distributed an article built from Thoreau’s diaries, entitled basically “Walking.'; Though totally different by and large topic, the two pieces contain fundamentally the same as methods of reasoning, relevant to numerous everyday issues and society. The use of these ways of thinking from one work to the next, show not a sample of counterfeiting, yet rather go about as a demonstration of the impact of Ralph Waldo Emerson on the musings and thoughts of Henry David Thoreau. One repeating subject of this period of American writing was building up freedom for the United States from the chronicled connections to Europe. A cry went out for Americans to wonder in the marvels of their own lawn, as opposed to look abroad to the already predominant western European countries. Emerson was no special case to this development and required some serious energy during his “The American Scholar'; talk to discuss the requirement for the current age of Americans to build up their own history: “Each age, it is discovered, must compose its own books; or rather, every age for the following succeeding. The books of a more established period won't fit this.'; Emerson called for dynamic, unique idea with respect to American researchers and reprimanded the individuals who composed as they: “set out from acknowledged authoritative opinions, not from their own sight of standards.'; His analysis all the more explicitly, was coordinated to those resea rchers who searched abroad for motivation, just to discover: “That which had been carelessly trodden on the ground by the individuals who were bridling and provisioning themselves for long journies into far nations, [are] out of nowhere saw as more extravagant than every single outside part.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

SARS Disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SARS Disease - Essay Example During that period, he accidentally contaminated others that thus caused a progression of SARS episodes in Toronto, Canada and different zones the world over. The transmission of the infection has been snappy attributable to the little resistance of individuals to the recently developed crown infection. In addition, it apparently is generally proficient in a social insurance setting, influencing the human services laborers, patients and relatives of contaminated people. The high contamination rates among the human services laborers have delineated need or inability to conform to the Infection Control (IC) measures prompting enormous scope flare-ups (Shaw, 2006). The worldwide spread of this pestilence has likewise shown the test of engaging irresistible illnesses in a globalized world. The powers of globalization-remembering fast development for worldwide exchange and travel have enhanced their spread and effect ((Hoffmann, 2003) The unexpected rise and the quick worldwide far reaching of this new irresistible illness, which challenges regular treatments, represents an extraordinary danger to the general wellbeing and underscores a critical need to create hearty techniques to forestall, screen and contain the sickness episode. In view of the Koch's proposes, SARS-Co V, the causative specialist of SARS ailment, was resolved to be a novel individual from the request Nidovirales, family Coronaviridae, and class Coronavirus. It is a huge, encompassed positive sense-single abandoned RNA infection including a huge genome of 29.7 Kb (Youjun, 2007). Likewise with different coronaviruses, SARS-Co V can be recognized on electron microscopy by the nearness of a crown of huge, unmistakable spikes in the envelope (Thomas, 2003). Genomic comments have uncovered that it comprises of around 14 practical open understanding edges (ORFs). They encode for three classes of proteins: I) Two enormous polyproteins (pp1a and pp1ab), which are separated into 16 non-basic proteins, basic for viral RNA blend, II) Four basic proteins-surface (S), envelope (E), lattice (M), and nucleocapsid (N) proteins, indispensable for viral get together, and III) Eight frill proteins, which present a specific favorable position in a contaminated host cell. The underlying official of the viral envelope and the host cell layer is interceded by surface protein (S) (Satija, 2007). With just 50-60 % nucleotide arrangement character of the SARS-Co V with other known coronaviruses, it is a formerly obscure Coronavirus, likely from a non-human host that some way or another procured the capacity to contaminate people. Different investigations have demonstrated that SARS-Co V overflowed from an untamed life supply (presumably bats) to human popula ce by means of a moderate host and that quick infection development assumed a key job in the adjustment of the infection to non-repository species (Thomas, 2003). Most of diseases happened in close contacts of patients showing that the transmission of the infection was by beads or by immediate and circuitous contact. Epidemiological examinations have indicated that SARS is decently instead of profoundly transmissible. Be that as it may, in certain examples, the supposed overly spreader patients transmitted the infection to an enormous number of people. The episode of the irresistible infection has been for the most part credited to these super spreaders and nosocomial intensification. The run of the mill hatching period for the malady ran from four to six days and the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tips on Comparing and Contrasting Essay Topics and Examples

Tips on Comparing and Contrasting Essay Topics and ExamplesThere are many different types of essays that you can write, but not all of them are going to be exactly the same. While a lot of college students will be writing the same types of essays in college, they're going to be writing completely different essays as they get older. It's important for you to know how to compare and contrast essay topics and examples to make sure that you've done your homework on all of the different types of essay topics that you can use.Most college students that are going to be trying to get into the school of their choice will need to write about at least two or three different types of essays. There's not really a reason for them to have more than three essays written for them. They're only going to be needing to write about them once or twice and then just take the results of the entrance exam and just figure out their grade from there. The rest of the time they can focus on writing about various other topics.There are actually a lot of ways to compare and contrast essay topics and examples. You can simply compare them according to what's being discussed in each one. You could also compare them by subject matter. This is actually an extremely good way to compare essay topics and examples because it's all about how well they're going to fit into the larger topic.Another thing that you can do is look at the subjects of the essays. If they're all about the same thing, then you'll have no problem comparing them. On the other hand, if they're all about very different subjects, then you'll have even more trouble figuring out what kind of essay each one of them is going to be.Be aware that you're going to have to come up with your own ways to compare and contrast essay topics and examples. Some students will find it easier than others. It will also depend on the student that's doing the writing as well.For instance, if you're writing about books, you might want to write about book s in general. In this case, you're looking at several books at a time and basically picking out the best ones from each book. Of course, you're going to have to come up with your own ways to compare and contrast essay topics and examples based on the work you're reviewing.In general, there's no real rhyme or reason to the types of books that people like to read. They might have specific books that they read every single week that they're most interested in reading about, while other people love to read novels. Of course, there are other people who read biographies or other nonfiction material that isn't necessarily meant to be an educational source.All of these factors will determine what subject matter you'll have to focus on when you're talking about these books. Obviously, it's going to be a lot easier to write about books if you're talking about books in general. So, be sure to think about which subjects you want to cover and then see if there are any books that are similar to w hat you're looking for that you can use as examples.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Comparison Of Engels And Marx Work Of The Communist...

The term and very idea of the working class and how it is perceived has been present and interpreted throughout history. This is proven from the three different written works that range in space and time, that includes: Engels and Marx’ work of The Communist Manifesto, Thompson’s work entitled The making of the Working Class, and finally Ballantyne and Burton’s Book, World Histories From Below (F. Engels., K. Marx, Feb. 1847., E. P. Thompson, Aug. 1963., T. Ballantyne., A. Burton, 2016). All three authors focus on the idea of the working class and how it risen in history, through the emergence of the proletariat vs. the bourgeois, the meaning of class itself, and the concept of history from below. All three works are separated between†¦show more content†¦Marx also proposes the important point that â€Å"capital, is developed, in the same proportion is the proletariat, the modern working class, developed -- a class of laborers, who live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labor increases capital. These laborers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market† (F. Engels., K. Marx, Feb. 1847). The next text and concept that helps us to define the working class, is the idea of class itself, in The Making of the English Working Class, by Thompson. Thompson expresses that he sees class as a historical phenomenon and a historical relationship (E. P. Thompson, Aug. 1963). He expresses that class is shown to engaged with with people in a real content and that both do exists but not separately, as they can only exist when engaged in a relationship together (E. P. Thompson, Aug. 1963). You can not have one without the other, and that is how the cycle of class in society lives and thrives but â€Å"the class experience is largely determined by the p roductive relations into which men are born-or enter involuntarily† (E. P.Show MoreRelated The Political Impact on Humans Essay1225 Words   |  5 PagesKarl Marx and Friedrich Engels both thought about their current government and how they could create a form of government that would surpass their existing one. The Manifesto of the Communist Party politically influenced the Marxist society, other societies of his time, and our modern day society. Marx and Engels were both reform thinkers and philosophers. 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In Communist Manifesto, the role of an individualRead MoreEssay about A Comparison of Communism versus Capitalism694 Words   |  3 PagesA Comparison of Communism versus Capitalism Communism versus Capitalism is a debate that has raged on for over two centuries. Whether to allow everyone equal opportunities and to do with those opportunities as they please or to mandate class equality in order to keep peace has in itself been the cause of wars. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels saw the working class of the world--the proletariat--being squashed by the greedy business owners--the bourgeoisie. In their view, the bourgeoisie ownedRead MoreThe Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels2286 Words   |  10 PagesIn 1847, a group of radical workers who were called the â€Å"Communist League† met in London. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

The Innumerable Meanings of Moby Dick Essay - 817 Words

The Innumerable Meanings of Moby Dick Call me Ishmael. The first line of this story begins with an assertion of self-identity. Before the second page is reached, it becomes quite clear to me that within this assertion of self-identity lay an enticing universality. Ishmael represents every man somehow and no man entirely. He is an individual in his own right, while personifying a basic human desire for something more, something extraordinary. As his name implies, he is an outcast from a great family (p.18). Although we all share Ishmaels yearning for adventure (however deeply hidden it may be), to throw aside our civilization (despite its discontents ) could mean societal suicide. So, we look through his eyes, we cling to his†¦show more content†¦When our world becomes too restrictive and societys dictates threaten to overwhelm him, rather than lashing out at his fellow landlocked prisoners he quietly takes the ship (p. 18). And for those too apprehensive to leave the safety and steadiness of land, Ishmael recoun ts his adventure so that others can vicariously experience his freedom. Here we have come across one of the many wonders of story telling: Stories allow us to see things we might not have the audacity to see ourselves and to become things well beyond our own perceived potential. And so we turn to stories to fill our voids, to quench the fires of our hopes and dreams, to calm our restless spirits. We might choose security rather than spontaneity and comfort rather than jeopardy, but we are able to do so and remain sane only with promise of participation in something outside of ourselves. Through our relationships to the boundless expanse inherent in the telling of stories, the great flood gates of the wonder-world swing open (p. 20). The story of Moby Dick is particularly compelling, as it presents us with the ungraspable phantom of life and then subsequently offers us the key to it all (p. 20). Through a first person narrative dictating a story intrinsically linked to the universality of human restlessness, Melville offers each of us a window of reprieve. We may choose to take it as an important life lesson and throw caution and practicality to the wind inShow MoreRelatedWhitman and Homosexuality Essay3150 Words   |  13 Pagesintellects, whose imaginative sympathies penetrate beyond sexual differences. They are very seldom homosexuals in the vulgar sense of the word...[His] eroticism...was sublimated into a fatherly love of innumerable sons and into magnificent poems of the comradeship of true democracy( 201-02). Along these same lines, James E. Miller, Jr. in his chapter Calamus: The Leaf and the Root, of his 1957 publication, A Critical Guide to LeavesRead MoreVictorian Novel9605 Words   |  39 Pagesthe United States. â€Å"History is the essence of innumerable biographies†, claimed Carlyle. Biography itself had a huge influence on the shape of the Victorian fiction. The biography takes its origin back in the Romantic experience of a unique and developing individual reflected in the genre of ‘self-development romance’. However, the romantic biography did not bring the subject to the novel but rather changed its scope of focus to the nature and meaning of human life itself. That concept found a strong

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cyber Bullying And Its Effects - 1411 Words

Studies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are trying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologies is widening the way bully’s can torture their victims. The fact of the matter is, technology is not going anywhere, so we need to figure out a way to put an end to cyber-bullies. Cyber-bullying is becoming a major problem and we all†¦show more content†¦Anything sent out into cyberspace is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to remove. Therefore, being cyber-bullied can sometimes be much more severe than traditional bullying. Ann Frisen in the article , â€Å"Cyber-bullying: A Growing Problem† states, â€Å"This type of bullying can be more serious than conventional bullying. At least with conventional bullying the victim is left alone on evenings and weekends† (ScienceDaily). What exactly is ‘cyber-bulling’? The author of the article, â€Å"What is Cyberbullying: Bullying Comes Home† explains it as, â€Å"any harassment that occurs via the Internet† (Hardcastle). Cyber-bulling messages can be communicated through text, e-mails, instant messaging, web pages, blogs, chat rooms, or any other information communication technologies. For example, Michigan’s assistant attorney general, who is a grown adult, has been harassing the University of Michigan’s openly gay student body president. Andrew Shirvell, assistant Michigan attorney general, created a blog in April of 2010 targeting Chris Armstrong, University of Michigan’s student body president. On this blog he has posted many rude, untrue, and unnecessary comments towards Chris Armstrong, along with distorted pictures. According to the article, â€Å"Assistant Michigan AG targets openly gay college student† the authorShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Bullyi ng And Cyber Bullying1811 Words   |  8 PagesThe effects of bullying and cyber bullying in today’s society have grave consequences that can lead to the untimely deaths of many children throughout the nation. In the past there have been numerous incidents involving teenagers shooting up schools and most recently children taking their own lives because they were tortured, teased in school, and made fun of online in their very own homes. What is a bully and what can we do to prevent our children from harming themselves and others because of theseRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1411 Words   |  6 PagesStudies indicate that cyber-bullying incidents have quadrupled in past five years (Ross). Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. Every time you turn on the news there is another bullying, or a suicide related to bullying, incident being reported. â€Å"Love is louder† has been a common phrase among celebrities and influential figures lately. They are t rying to send out a message to their followers saying that bullying is not right and should not be tolerated. The expansion of communication technologiesRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects952 Words   |  4 PagesCyber-bullying is a term that has only gained notoriety in the past few years. Like many things that adapt to their surroundings, cyber-bullying is no exception. As new ways to socialize appear every year, it is a great tool for children and adults alike to communicate with friends and family. However, it can also turn into a tool of terrorization just as easily. The term bullying is usually defined as aggression that is intentionally carried out by one or more individuals and repeatedly targetedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects1146 Words   |  5 PagesCyber bullying as defined by (Mason, 2008, p, 325) is â€Å"an individual or a group wilfully using information and communication involving electronic technologies to facilitate deliberate and repeated harassmen t or threat to another individual or group by sending or posting cruel text and/or graphics using technological means†. Cyber bullying is also any behaviour performed through electronic or digital media by individuals or groups that repeatedly communicates hostile or aggressive messages intendedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1536 Words   |  7 PagesBullying has been an extreme issue all around the world for hundreds of years, and since modern technology has advanced, so has cyber bullying. â€Å"‘Gimme’ your lunch money† has turned into texting and posting gruesome threats and embarrassing material all over social media. Millions of kids all over the world have taken their own lives due to the harmful effects of cyber bullying. Problems that cannot be resolved independently are brought to court, and the government has become increasingly involvedRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society1201 Words   |  5 PagesINTRO Cyber bullying is any form of bullying that takes place over the internet, whether via texts, twitter or other forms of social media. Approximately 52% of children have reported being cyber bullied at one point, or another*. While this number may not seem catastrophic, this statistic is based only on the instances of cyber bullying that have been reported. The reality is that there are many more children who have been cyber bullied, and did not tell anyone that it was happening to them. AnotherRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Society Essay1396 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction There are two specific types of bullying. Bullying in itself and cyber bullying are two of the worst and most aggressive behaviors teenagers are involved in these days. No matter how this problem comes about or what process individuals go through to get to this point, it is an irresponsible yet dangerous form of action. Bullying in any form can cause harm to the victim, even death. Making a choice to be a bully is like that of building a bad character for one’s self. Definition CentersRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Society1283 Words   |  6 Pagesis also now being used to cause harm to people. Cyber bullying differs from traditional physical bullying, because it occurs through emails, texts, or social media. The person behind the computer can remain anonymous because the internet allows individuals to make up false information. Negative effects, such as depression, suicide, and anxiety are some factors resulted in cyber bullying. There is a strong emotional impact caused by cyber bullying due to the lack of remorse demonstrated online.Read MoreThe Eternal Effects of Cyber Bullying1196 Words   |  5 Pageslends itself to advancements such as cyber bullying, allowing predators of all ages to interrupt what should be the safe haven in life; home. The eternal effects of cyber bullying on the victim and their families is potentially fatal as pointed out in the May 2013, Journal of Youth and Adolescence article by, published authors and psychology graduate’s in adolescent studies, Brett Litwiler and Amy Brausch. The article not only identifies this form of bullying as a problem but Litwiler and BrauschRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Its Victims1651 Words   |  7 Pagesin it, especially cyber bullying. With the rise in the use of technology, digital culture and anonymity, cyber bullying has become a prominent issue that can have negative psychological effects on its victims through the power of these technological advances. This new 21st century term is derived from standard physical bullying has become a prominent and revolving issue as cellphone, texting and social media sites take away one’s privacy by causing harmful psychological effects on its victims (Siegel

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Women in the photograph Essay Example For Students

Women in the photograph Essay The play takes place in the dining room of the Birlings house in Brumley, an industrial town in the North Midlands. It is an evening in spring, 1912. Arthur Birling, a prosperous manufacturer, is holding a family dinner party to celebrate his daughters engagement. Into this cosy scene intrudes the harsh figure of a Police inspector investigating the suicide of a young working class woman, Eva Smith. Under the pressure of his interrogation, every member of the family turns out to have a shameful secret, which links them with her death. The Inspector is first introduced into the play under the attitude of fear and importance, as Priestley describes his presence under the clothing and looks which the Inspector prevails over his suspects.  dressed in a plain darkish suit of the period  Has a disconcerting habit of looking hard at the person he addresses before actually speaking  This description of character of the Inspector would create an atmospheric, fearful impression on the audience, as the audience would see the visual impact on which the Inspector has on his line of enquiry. We will write a custom essay on Women in the photograph specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The point at which the Inspector entered the household of the Birlings, is a Dramatic quality within the play, as Arthur Birling was conversing the fact that Eric might have been up to something, which is why the Inspector has come to their household. This comment alarms Eric, as Eric knows that he has been in contact with Eva Smith, he starts to feel paranoid with the comment made by his Father. This un-easy attitude expressed from Eric, creates tension within the audience, as his spontaneous action portrays a man hiding his feelings, which will be linked to the Inspectors investigation. Here, what do you mean?  This reaction from Eric creates Drama, as the audience links the visit from the Inspector, to the worry expressed by his action. This creates a starting point for the blame of Eva Smiths death, as Erics worry would convey to the audience that he is to blame for the death at a later stage of the play, but all characters, Mr. Birling, Sheila, Eric, Gerald Croft and Mrs.Birling, are all linked to the death of this women, but each character contributes into the enquiry, realising the consequences of their own actions. Mr. Birling is the first character to be interrogated by the Inspector, which Birling believes is about a Police matter, due to his hierarchy in the field of Police work. The Inspector addresses Mr. Birling and the other characters in the room, with the situation of the young women ( Eva Smith) committing suicide in the act of drinking disinfectant, which he has seen in the Infirmary ward. This comment made by the Inspector, creates an impatience within Birlings attitude, as the death of a young women has nothing to do with his worries, his main worry and thought was of a business arrangement between himself and his future son-in-law Gerald Croft, which was his main ambition of greed and wealth within his line of thought. Yes. Yes. Horrid business. But I dont understand why you should come here, Inspector-  This conveys to the audience that Birling has no sense of grief or worry for fellow people in his town; he is self-centred, around money and future prospects. The Inspector continues, with the fact that Eva Smith had previously worked at his works, but Birling does not sum up that this involvement is anything to do with Eva Smiths death. The Inspector produces a photograph of the women, which he only shows Mr. Birling, creating a dramatic quality within the play, due to the Inspectors effort to conceal the photograph between Birling and himself. .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 , .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .postImageUrl , .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 , .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476:hover , .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476:visited , .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476:active { border:0!important; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476:active , .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476 .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u422c4774addcea65e9ad11fe2d9f0476:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Generally means society EssayThe Inspector interposes himself between them and the photograph  This explains to the audience that Birling could be an important figure for the death of Eva Smith, as the Inspector has used the photograph as a barrier between Eric and Gerald, a barrier which only concerns the line of enquiry with Birling.  Birling recognises the women in the photograph, and finally converses with the characters in the room about his experiences with Eva Smith at his works. He adapts the revelation of Eva Smiths time at his works, by explaining he sacked her due to her disturbance and attitude towards pay rises, Eva wanted a larger pay rise than what Mr. B irling was willing to pay. This disturbance in Mr.Birlings business, is linked to the historical context of the play, as Priestley wrote the play in the year of 1946, where the attitudes towards class and rights for women where of a better standard, due to pay increases and womens rights formed from the suffragette movement. The play is set in the year of 1912, Priestley is reflecting on the fact that women had no rights at this time, suggesting Birling had a justified reason. Mr. Birling, I believe used his power as an influential figure to sack Eva Smith, as image and status was an important factor for an upper-classed person; he could use his power any way he liked, due to his wealth and greed. Well, Inspector, I dont see that its any concern of yours how I choose to run my business. Is it now?  This reaction from the Inspectors line of enquiry, expresses to the audience that Birling, with the use of the rhetorical question, is feeling pressurised with the Inspectors questions, but he feels that he has not committed a crime, he only sacked Eva Smith due to his concern for his business. Shelia was the next character to be interrogated, as she entered the room to find out the disturbing news of a girl committing suicide, in the act of drinking disinfectant. This news shocked Sheila, as she found out that her father had sacked Eva from his works, leading Eva to take her own life. Sheila believed that the action, which her father used against Eva, was the wrong action to take, as she describes the sacking of Eva Smith as a turning point for her suicide, as she had no job or family to support her. Sheila does not realise that the women involved in this suicide, is the same person, which she forced the Manager of Milwards to sack, due to an argument of self-appearance and vanity. Sheila explains the sacking of Eva Smith, with points to suggest that it was the wrong action to take, contradicting her own selfless actions, which caused Eva Smith to be sacked from Milwards. But these girls arent cheap labour-theyre people  This response from Sheila, explains to the audience that Sheila feels strongly for lower-classed womens rights, she feels that her father has used his power for the wrong reasons, even though she used this same power for the sacking of Eva from Milwards.  Sheila used her power as a daughter of an influential business man, to seek revenge through jealousy, as Eva Smiths self appearance was far more fitting, for a dress Sheila wanted to purchase. This factor created Low-Self- Esteem for Sheila, as she explained that the dress looked far more effective on Eva Smith, She was the right type for it, just as I was the wrong type  This explains to the reader that Sheila is feeling low confidence for herself, which produced the spite for the sacking of Eva Smith. The audience feels sympathy for Sheila, as Sheila realises her consequences of her actions, she realises her spite and jealousy has caused a young womens death. Sheila feels guilty about her revelation in the young womens death, she wishes she could help the poor victim, which is in direct context to Birlings attitude.