Sunday, February 23, 2020

Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Education - Research Paper Example Education’s vital role in molding humanity makes it necessarily be accessible for all. All governments of the world are compelled to make education affordable for everyone. It is the obligation of the state to take necessary measures to promote, protect and avail their citizens the right to education. However, despite of the fact that education as a right is acknowledged universally, millions of people throughout the world had yet to enjoy this right. According to Global Issues, nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or even just sign their names. Meanwhile, UNICEF data reveals that there are 121 M children out of education worldwide. In 2005, about 72 million primary school ages, wherein 57 percent were girls, were not able to study. Aside from these problems, education is perceived to become more marginalized in the years to come as governments all over the world tend to reduce if not cut-off their budget to education to cope up with the globa l economic crisis. Given this situation, this paper will delve on the current situation of the educational system. How far have the governments of the world gone in making education accessible for the people? Or are measures being taken by the governments only aggravate the already serious data of lack of education? Salient Features of Education According to the CESCR, there are four salient features of education namely: availability, accessibility, acceptability and adaptability. For this paper, two major features will be elaborated. Availability means that there should be adequate numbers of educational institutions and programs existing within the jurisdiction of the State. These educational institutions should follow sound technical requirements to function effectively, from sanitation facilities to trained and well-compensated teachers. Another important feature of education is accessibility which means that education must be enjoyed by all without discrimination. Accessibility was further described by the CESCR with three interrelated aspects: non-discrimination which means that education must be served above all to the most vulnerable sectors of the society; physical accessibility which ensures that education is within a safe and well-located; and economic accessibility which ensures that education should be free for all, this also requires the State gradually commence free secondary and higher education (Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). Education in peril Despite of the numerous international conventions and obligations in securing education’s accessibility to all, state responsibility to education seems to have gradually diminished. Over the years, budget cut on education has been a world-wide phenomenon. In America, public school system is being assaulted with budget cuts. According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, at least 43 states have cut assistance to public colleges and universities which reduced faculty and staff and consequently increased tuition fees. Budget cuts to K-12 education have also been implemented in at least 34 states plus the District of Columbia (Nicholas Johnson). To name a few: In Minnesota, around 9,400 students will lose

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Individual case study report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Individual case study report - Essay Example But this will not assure satisfactory performance. Recruitment, selection and training typically focus only on the ability side; thus a major missing ingredient is one's willingness. Motivation then becomes a process of activating this potential in all the employees. While motivation refers to the drive and effort to satisfy a want or a goal, satisfaction refers to the contentment experienced when a want is satisfied. From a management point of view, a person might have high job satisfaction but a low level of motivation for the job, or the reverse might be true. Understandably, the probability is that a highly motivated person with low job satisfaction will only express poor quality in his job. The yet another factor affecting the productivity of an employee is his attitude. Attitudes and values differ among workers and employers, rich and poor people, accountants and engineers. This variety makes it difficult for managers to design an environment conducive to performance and satisf action. We shall discuss the impact of motivation levels of workers in an organization, its impact on productivity, the attitude levels of workers which play a vital role on the motivation levels and finally how to achieve the best performance out of an employee by highly motivating him. "Organizations today are recognizing ... The significant workplace issues of the present day require different kinds of solutions. Some of these include flexible work hours, pay for performance and Employee Stock Ownership Plans. These may vary with people and organization based on the problems faced by them. Case Description According to the case presented by Drugs Inc. older males occupy the top management. The rest of the work force also seems to have a majority of males. There seems to be a minor note on female staff that the clerical staffs are females. The company finds it difficult to compete with the overseas companies who manufacture the same kind of products on a lesser cost. Thus the company's business is not doing well in the recent years. As a cost cutting measure, the company is looking for a downsizing of its employees and is trying to set up an alternate marketing facility through Internet business. In the given case, we find that the business of Drugs Inc. suffers due to high cost factors compared to its competitors who use low cost manufacturing techniques. The major issue we find here is the productivity. If the productivity goes up, there is every possibility of meeting out the cost and making a good profit. Productivity is a major concern of managers. It implies measurement, an essential step in the control process. The productivity measurement of skilled workers is generally easier than that of knowledge workers such as managers. Yet managerial productivity is very important, especially for organizations like Drugs Inc. operating in a competitive environment. The improvement in productivity is brought about by the improvement in performance of employees. The performance of an employee in turn depends upon his motivation levels. The fact